My book, OMA's Milstein Hall: A Case Study of Architectural Failure, has been published. Much of the material formerly included in these "Milstein Critique" webpages has been removed from these pages and incorporated in the book. Some supplementary material remains on these webpages — primarily videos and links to related documents.
4. Dangerous details
Figure 6a. Video (2 minutes long) by J. Ochshorn shows poorly marked elevation discontinuities at Milstein Hall plaza and loading dock — i.e., accidents waiting to happen (video shot Sept. 9, 2011; can also be viewed directly on YouTube).
Figure 7. Video (2 minutes long) by J. Ochshorn shows ledges in Milstein Hall with vertical discontinuities greater than 30 inches, the maximum allowed by Code (video shot August 2011 and August 2013; can also be viewed directly on YouTube).
First posted 27 August 2013. Last updated: 27 September 2023