Units stirrup size
Uniform load
Stirrup spacing for uniform load:
Capacity of concrete to resist shear, Vc
0.5Vc (upper boundary for Zone I: when shear force divided by φ is below this value, no stirrups are needed)
3Vc (this value of shear force divided by φ is boundary between Zones III and IV -- "reduced" max. spacing governs in Zone IV; "regular" in Zone III)
5Vc (upper boundary for Zone IV, above which shear force divided by φ is too great and beams are not permitted)
Maximum shear force divided by φ at distance, d, from face of support
Shear force divided by φ corresponding to "regular" maximum spacing
Shear force divided by φ corresponding to "reduced" maximum spacing
Maximum spacing, unrounded (when Vs <= 2Vc)
Maximum spacing, reduced and unrounded (when Vs > 2Vc)
Concrete cylinder strength f'c must be greater
Steel yield stress must be greater
Beam width, b, must be greater
Beam effective depth, d, must be greater
Shear force Vu must be greater than zero
Span must be greater than zero
Span must be at least 4 times the effective depth
Stirrup spacing too small; try using larger stirrup size or larger beam
Criteria for small total beam depth