Units and criteria
units R-rho calculation live load reduction?
Material properties
number of spaces
column type
Moment values
slab neg moment slab pos moment beam neg moment beam pos moment
Number of bars
Slab reinforcement
beam neg moment beam pos moment column bar size
Effective width
for pos-mom T-beams
beam or girder spans less than or equal to 0
beam or girder width less than or equal to 0
beam or girder thickness less than or equal to 0
dead, live, roof or snow load less than 0
beam width too wide for girder span
girder width too wide for beam span
slab thickness greater than beam thickness
concrete weight less than 0
slab negative moment steel ratio too high
slab positive moment steel ratio too high
slab thickness less than or equal to 0
beam negative moment steel ratio exceeds maximum
beam positive moment steel ratio exceeds maximum
need at least 6 bars for spiral column
number of floors above column less than 0