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Course Information: ARCH 4621
Department of Architecture, Cornell University

ARCH 4621 Sustainable Architecture: the Science and Politics of Green Building

Spring 2021

Jonathan Ochshorn

contact | office hours

Assignment for week 6

Read the following:

  1. Huber, Lifeblood: Oil, Freedom, and the Forces of Capital (pp.97–108)

  2. Wainwright and Mann, Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future (pp.99–128)

For all students:

Writing assignment (only for selected students)

  1. Read all selections. Compare the politics of the 1970's oil crisis (Huber) with the current global warming crisis (Wainwright and Mann). For example: How was the burning of fossil fuels equated with a "way of life" then and now; and what were the goals, and limitations, of governmental intervention in each case?

  2. Be prepared to read (or otherwise present) a condensed version of your paper in class (7–10 minutes).

  3. Paper should be 1000–1300 words, or approximately 3–4 typed pages, 1.5 line spacing.

For all students except those selected for the writing assignment.

Write a short (1-paragraph) response to a sentence extracted from one of the readings that you found interesting or provocative. Provide a footnote citation for the quotation you have chosen using the "notes and bibliography system."1

Copyright 2017–2021 J. Ochshorn. All rights reserved. First posted: 26 September 2017 | last updated: 18 February 2021

1 You can find information on citations in the Chicago Manual of Style. (You can leave out page numbers.)