Course Information: ARCH 2615-5615
Department of Architecture, Cornell University

ARCH 2615-5615 Building Technology II: Structural Elements

Spring 2022

Jonathan Ochshorn

Assignment #5: Reading on structure

Issued March 24, 2022
Officially due March 29, 2022, 9:40 AM, but accepted without penalty no later than May 20, 2022* (submit as Canvas "Quiz")

This assignment is differentiated for undergraduate and graduate students, to comply with New York State requirements for co-listed courses.

Take open-book Canvas "Quiz" based on the reading assignment no later than May 20, 2022. You must take the quiz on your own, without assistance from, or collaboration with, others. Hint: It is probably easiest to read the assigned chapter as you are taking the quiz! There is no time limit on the quiz.

Extra credit

Students can get extra credit by also reading the chapter not assigned to their cohort and taking the Canvas quiz for that chapter in addition to the quiz they were assigned. In other words, Undergrads can also read the "Graduate" chapter; and Grads can also read the "Undergraduate" chapter. The extra credit will be added to the student's calculated grade average, except that the total grade average cannot exceed 100 points. The extra credit will have the same value as a single assignment and, like any assignment, will be reduced for incorrect "quiz" answers. The issue date and due date for the extra credit reading are the same as for the Assignment 5 reading.

There is no "grace period" for this assignment, since the effective due date has already been extended to May 20, 2022.